Storage Layout
This article is part of the Advanced User's Guide. It presents some low-level details on how data is stored in the database files.
Data Types[edit]
The following data types are used for specifying the storage layout:
Type | Description | Example (native → hex integers) |
Compressed integer (1-5 bytes), specified in | 15 → 0F ; 511 → 41 FF |
Length (Num ) and bytes of UTF8 byte representation
Hello → 05 48 65 6c 6c 6f
Number, stored as token | 123 → 03 31 32 33
Boolean (1 byte, 00 or 01 )
true → 01
Nums , Tokens , Doubles
Arrays of values, introduced with the number of entries | 1,2 → 02 01 31 01 32
Key array (Tokens ), next/bucket/size arrays (3x Nums )
Database Files[edit]
The following tables illustrate the layout of the BaseX database files. All files are suffixed with .basex
Metadata, Name/Path/Doc Indexes: inf
Description | Format |
1. Metadata | 1. Key/value pairs, in no particular order (Token /Token ):• Examples: FNAME , TIME , SIZE , ...• PERM → Number of users (Num ), and name/password/permission values for each user (Token /Token /Num )2. Empty key as finalizer |
2. Main memory indexes | 1. Key/value pairs, in no particular order (Token /Token ):• TAGS → Element Name Index• ATTS → Attribute Name Index• PATH → Path Index• NS → Namespaces• DOCS → Document Index2. Empty key as finalizer |
2 a) Name Index Element/attribute names |
1. Token set, storing all names (TokenSet )2. One StatsKey instance per entry: 2.1. Content kind ( Num ):2.1.1. Number: min/max ( Doubles )2.1.2. Category: number of entries ( Num ), entries (Tokens )2.2. Number of entries ( Num )2.3. Leaf flag ( Boolean )2.4. Maximum text length ( Double ; legacy, could be Num )
2 b) Path Index | 1. Flag for path definition (Boolean , always true ; legacy)2. PathNode: 2.1. Name reference ( Num )2.2. Node kind ( Num )2.3. Number of occurrences ( Num )2.4. Number of children ( Num )2.5. Double ; legacy, can be reused or discarded2.6. Recursive generation of child nodes (→ 2) |
2 c) Namespaces | 1. Token set, storing prefixes (TokenSet )2. Token set, storing URIs ( TokenSet )3. NSNode: 3.1. pre value ( Num )3.2. References to prefix/URI pairs ( Nums )3.3. Number of children ( Num )3.4. Recursive generation of child nodes (→ 3) |
2 d) Document Index | Array of integers, representing the distances between all document pre values (Nums )
Node Table: tbl
, tbli
: Main database table, stored in blocks.tbli
: Database directory, organizing the database blocks.
Some more information on the node storage is available.
Texts: txt
, atv
: Heap file for text values (document names, string values of texts, comments and processing instructions)atv
: Heap file for attribute values.
Value Indexes: txtl
, txtr
, atvl
, atvr
Text Index:
: Heap file with ID lists.txtr
: Index file with references to ID lists.
The Attribute Index is contained in the files atvl
and atvr
, the Token Index in tokl
and tokr
. All have the same layout.
For a more detailed discussion and examples of these file formats please see Index File Structure.
Document Path Index: pth
Provides an index of all the document paths in the database. For databases with a large number of paths this file can be quite large so it is only generated the first time a function requesting a path lookup is run. For databases where path lookups are never used this file will not exist.
Note: On Windows/Mac systems this file is case insensitive (all paths are lower case). On UNIX-like systems this file is case sensitive. The behaviour of path look ups will vary between systems. Copying this file between system types may lead to unexpected behaviour.
ID/Pre Mapping: idp
This file is only created if incremental indexing (UPDINDEX) is enabled for a database. It is used to provide a quick look up of the pre value for a database node id.
Full-Text Fuzzy Index: ftxx
, ftxy
, ftxz
...may soon be reimplemented.